Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Getting away from laptop.

Few months ago, i considered the laptop a thing without which I can't live without even for few hours. But as time passed things went the way I didn't expected. All the things forced me towards the guitar. The forcing was similar that I left AOE. As I increased my time with guitar, I improved and started liking it. Guitar really requires continuity.
Last semester ITBHU xams were great. You don't have to study too hard for them. So no tension in leaving guitar at that time also. I met new sir ORI, which changed my pov for guitar. I first thought not to go to him during exams as ORI was to leave soon after the xams, but I was wondering how can I miss such a great teacher. Finally dhote(my frnd)  said how can you leave your passion for such simple xams and I left.

  Now I see the change. My guitar has improved, and I am out of confusion I have been since long. It was that whether it is right to only play PC game and have fun rather than learning new things. Thx to my sweet guitar.